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We strive to create a tangible difference in society by connecting and empowering GenZ. 

At Simply GenZ, we believe that generation z is the very essence of the future. Who they are tomorrow is essentially the outcome of how they are raised and nurtured today.

For GenZ by GenZ to be innovative, influential, and to create a tangible difference in the society.

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Simply GenZ is a teen-run organization created to connect like-minded teenagers from all around the world and to provide GenZ a platform to voice their opinions on global issues. Our blog allows the readers to visualize GenZ’s perspective on various topics. We aim to empower and connect youth globally.

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We want to hear YOUR story. Generation Z is unique! To share your experience as a member of Generation Z, or any piece related to social justice, politics, and/or  Gen Z's perspective share it here!

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©2020 by Simply GenZ. 

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